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chunks of energy

Despite living in Massachusetts for four years, the Dancing Star food company (based in Buckland) and their “Chunks of Energy” managed to elude me. But I’m making up for it now with this taste test of their stuff.

The product is called “Chunks of Energy” and they are organic, unbaked “chunks” of energy food (not to be confused with energy bars, bites, or blocks.) You won’t see them beside Powerbars or Clif Bars because they are sold in bulk (i.e. you scoop them out of a bin.)

You also won’t find them at Wal-Mart. Rather, they are sold in nationwide chains like Whole Foods, along with smaller chains and independent retailers.

What are they?

So we know they’re not bars, bites, or blocks… These chunks seemed similar in concept to the LARA BAR, which I have reviewed before. I thought they would taste similar, but they’re not quite the same. Both are good, of course, but all the extra ingredients in the Chunks really makes a difference.

Here’s a sample ingredients list so you see what I mean…

Honey Pistachio: Honey, sunflower seeds, pistachios, GMO free tofu powder (soy), organic apricots (may contain organic rice flour), cashews, pumpkin seeds, figs, dates, almond butter, natural flavors, and pistachio extract (made from corn.)

Each flavor is different, but I think of them as a paste of honey and dates with a ton of seeds and other goodies mixed in. (Then, of course, the final product is dried and cut into squares.)

Are they healthy?

You bet. Everything in them is good for you, even the honey. Honey is such good stuff and anyone that compares it to table sugar is way off the mark. And all the other natural ingredients give you a good mix of carbs, protein, and fat.

But do they taste alright?

No… not alright… they taste great!!

Some taste kind of like Almond Joy candy bars. Some smell like the Brach’s Neapolitan coconut candies I ate when I was a kid. (Sadly those tri-color coconut treats that used to be a bulk bin staple have been discontinued by the manufacturer. But I digress…) And they still taste good despite the wholesome ingredients!

I tried a few flavors and my thoughts on the taste and texture are below.

chunks of energy

Raw Cacao Goji

These have dates as the main ingredient, making them like a LARA BAR but with more texture (from sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.) They have that good and wholesome texture with a fruity flavor (from the raisins and apricots in there.) Very moist and chewy, like a delicacy.


chunks of energy

Chocolate Almond Chip

This one really does remind me of an Almond Joy candy bar. The flavor seems to be strong on chocolate, almond, and coconut. I don’t think it even has coconut in it, but it has that nice candy bar taste.


chunks of energy

Vanilla Almond

The vanilla almond has a lighter, more subdued flavor. It’s an authentic vanilla taste, though, unlike most vanilla ice cream and artificial flavors, which do not taste like vanilla! This would be perfect if you don’t like chocolate, or if you’re riding hard and don’t want an overpowering flavor.


chunks of energy

Carob Spirulina

“Our original and best seller!”

Now this was a strong and powerful flavor, easily the most robust taste of the bunch. You taste the sweetness of honey but also the really strong carob powder. It’s good stuff, plus the numerous health benefits of Hawaiian Blue Green Algae (Spirulina) really set this one apart!


The fun doesn’t stop there though – all the other flavors sound good, too. Especially carob banana, honey pistachio, and mixed berry blast!

Before, during, or after a ride?

All of the above.

I used these to fuel for a morning bike ride and felt great. I ate about 5 or 6, waited an hour, and rode. They sat well, too, so I didn’t have any digestion problems.

Want to take them on a ride? Just put some in a plastic sandwich bag and stick it in your jersey pocket. Then you can grab one at a time.

Outside in the cold? No problem. I’ve eaten these straight out of the freezer and they’re a little hard to bite into, but still easy to chew.

Epic ride? Even better. I’d love to carry a supply of these on long, 4+ hour endurance rides. (Carbs, fat, protein, and good taste all in a single bite, what could be better?)

Now I’m also a big fan of organic and natural foods and saving the environment, so the packaging is a big deal to me. These are sold in bulk so you could get pounds of them and just have one plastic bag, instead of a bunch of individual foil wrappers. That makes them great for “during” rides because they’re easy to eat, don’t make a mess in your pocket, and don’t pollute.

My final verdict is…

The decision is easy. These taste great, they’re healthy, and there’s no foil wrapper to litter the roads and trails. Get some!

My only complaint is that I don’t have a local retailer!

Company Site: www.ChunksOfEnergy.com

Product Review Details
Company: Dancing Star LLC
Product: Chunks of Energy
Reviewed by: Coach Levi
My Rating: 4.6 out of 5
Date last updated: 2014-02-03
Obtained Product: Free sample from company.
CoachLevi.com Advertiser: No.

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  1. I must say that I absolutely LOVE LARABARs. I immediatly thought of them when I saw the pictures of these.

    I think I am going to have to try and track some of these down. I doubt I have a local retailer in Central Missouri either

  2. Bradly
    I am the maker of Chunks of energy, can you email me the town where you live and the nearest Natural Foods Store and I will send them samples? Also if you want to request that would be awesome.


  3. Speaking of honey, its like a poor man’s race gel. I
    m tempted to carry some with me on rides. If only there was some way to improve its consistency for quick drinking.

  4. Yeah, I’ve tried it in gel flasks, doesn’t work very well. Not so bad on 95 degree days though 😉

  5. I have been eating Chunks of Energy for 10 years now, and I think they are delicious. the new Raw Cacao with Goji is the best one so far, and it’s totally raw and organic which is hard to believe.

  6. I coach youth and high school soccer, and chunks of energy are a quick way for me to get the energy I need before and during practice. They’re delicious, effective, and a perfect size to pop in your mouth between sessions; Chunks rock!

  7. Hi MichaelI just moved to Atlanta and I brought down with me from N>Y. a huge bin of your chunks. Can you sent samples to Atlantis health food on Mount Vernon Rd. in Atlanta Ga. 30350 I took them a sample but I would love if they would carry your product. Thanks Monique

  8. Hi Monique,
    Thanks for your positive comments on Chunks of energy, I will send samples as you requested to Atlantis in Atlanta. Chunks of energy are also availble at Life Grocery and Sevanda Coop in Atlanta and some Whole Foods in their Bulk Bins.

  9. i LOVE these!!! buy them from my local whole foods almost weekly- my kids enjoy as well and i’d rather have them snacking on the chocolate almond chip chunk of energy than on some loaded with preservative filled candy bar! the high country gorp flavor is also a favorite of my husband, he takes it to work with him on long shifts.

  10. Chunks of energy are the pure winner, my favorites are organic raw cacao goji and carob spirulina.

  11. I liked mixed berry blast, honey pistachio was so-so, but I have to say, no one in the family could swallow the raw cacao goji. We eventually threw them away. Just not palatable to our taste buds. Sorry.

  12. How can I find out about the calorie content of the chunks of energry. Also, I would like to know about the protein and fat content as well.


  13. @Linda

    I would head to http://www.chunksofenergy.com/ and contact them directly.

  14. Are there any harmful chemicals used in processing the coconut oil in you .Org. Coconut fig super foods?

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